Grass R.External.Out

Grass R.External.Out

r.external.out instructs GRASS GIS to write subsequently generated raster maps as data files (e.g. GeoTIFF) using GDAL instead of storing them in GRASS raster format in the current mapset. Any new raster map is immediately written out through GDAL as a file. NOTES, DESCRIPTION. r.external allows a user to link a GDAL supported raster file to a binary raster map layer, from any GDAL supported raster map format, with an optional title. The file is not imported but just registered as GRASS raster map.

External raster maps can directly be linked into GRASS with r.external which saves time and disk space. Additionally, there is no more a need to store results in the internal GRASS format – with r.external.out the resulting maps are directly written to a GDAL supported format.

r.external, r. external .out v.external, v.external.out Export to various formats (or linking) GRASS GIS native exchange format (v.pack, r.pack, v.unpack, …) Computational Region. extent and resolution for raster computations Science & Research. Used in research platform and as scientific code repository, At the moment, GRASS maps and external files produced using r.external.out are not fully kept in sync. This applies both when maps are renamed or removed. Names of external files are not changed by g.rename and files are not deleted by g.remove or g.mremove. This behaviour is intentional; well, maybe not entirely unintentional is more accurate.

Thanks Markus! I can confirm that projection information now is written to GeoTiffs? produced with r. external .out in GRASS 7.4. However, like in r.out.gdal EPSG codes of the projections are not written here either (see #3048). Even for Locations purely created from EPSG code.

